In March, at the same time as Int Ch PREFIX REALLY SOMETHING was standing in the spotlight at Crufts, a woman let a number of cresteds out on a main road. Amongst them were PREFIX RAPSODY IN ROCK "Wella" sister of Really Something. She disappeared into the woods and despite all efforts to find her, from cresteds lovers living near by, she was not found.

I augusti var Int Ch PREFIX STOMPIN AT THE SAVOY inackorderad hos goda vänner i två veckor, efter en vecka ville han hem och lyckades rymma ur den helt inhägnade tomten. Han blev upplockad av en person som tyvärr inte kontaktade polisen. Vi har gjort allt för att finna honom men inte lyckats ännu. Enligt två medium skall han finnas hos en kvinna med en dotter i 7-8 års åldern. Vi kommer aldrig att ge upp.
In August Int Ch PREFIX STOMPIN AT THE SAVOY was ment to spend two weeks with very good friends of ours. After a week he wanted to come home and he managed to escape from the fenced in garden. He was picked up by a person who unfortunatly didn't contact the police. We have tried everything to find him but we haven't been successful so far. We are in contact with two medium and they say he is with a family with a girl, 7-8 years old. We will never give up on finding Higgins.